When science

unlocks nature

Qunubus strives to provide patients with high quality medicines based in the cannabis plant

We are a biotech company based in Madrid, Spain

The team

Qunubus is led by senior executives with broad expertise in different areas. 

The team has a  proven track record in:

  • Growing businesses specifically biotech startups
  • Cannabis crop scale-up
  • Industrial expertise in building green houses, indoor crop facilities and GMP rooms
  • Security
  • GACP and GMP authorizations
  • Research in cannabis therapies with more than 20 years of experience in the field

Our vision

Become a global leader in the production of medicines and other products derived from cannabis and cannabinoids for medical purposes


Our mission

Qunubus is born to bring to the market cannabis-based products to help patients with chronic pain, cancer and neuropsychiatric diseases

Our values

Patient first

Health is a human right.
We help patients in need of cannabis-derived medicines in order to improve their quality of life

Science unlocks nature

Sustained research to develop new drugs or forms of administration that increase and facilitate the access of cannabis-based medicines

Quality & safety.

Homogeneous and traceable products providing the patient the best quality in their treatment, with a strict follow-up of international regulations


Education & dissemination to increase the visibility and understanding of the cannabis for medical purposes, to promote the regulation of drugs based in cannabis

SDG roots

Qunubus complies with different United Nations’ Sustainability Goals, which recognize the need to address climate change and global well being

Imagen 1

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Human beings are entitled to a healthy and productive life, in harmony with nature. Sustainable development can only be achieved in the absence of a high prevalence of debilitating diseases


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. The need of generating employment for vulnerable groups, specifically women, unemployed rural labour


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Industrialization is a driver of development. Industry increases productivity, job creation and generates income, thereby contributing to poverty eradication


 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


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